Friday, May 9, 2008

unimpressive upward movement

The PSEi rose again today (May 9, 2007) by only 18.80 points with total trade value of about Php3.5B. I find this unimpressive and disappointing. Without a strong rally, I fear that this market will spook investors even more.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

MER stock price headed to the dog house

Notwithstanding the increase in 2008 1Q profits of MER, their price dipped from the Php80 level to Php69 in a couple of days.

Meralco is under attack by the GSIS. The folks over at the Government Security Insurance System say Meralco has been charging customers to compensate for their own inefficiency. It appears that they think they can undue what has been done or prevent any further similar action by legal process.

Not good for the stock price. This is true specially since Meralco has been under pressure from the administration to lower their rates.

However, if the GSIS can really do all that is another matter. I place my bet on MER and find this to be an opportune time to buy into this company at a bargain.

where are the bulls?

The market may be bad, but I slept like a baby last night. I woke up every hour and cried.

The PSEi went up on May 7, 2008 by 11.73 points. Value turnover was at a respectable level of Php4B. Looks good, but not good enough, I think.

The fresh wind of hope from the U.S. economy didn't make it here until today as shown by the Philippine Stock Exchange Index. The rice shortage or at least the perception of a shortage along with inflation going through the roof are factors that weigh down on local investor sentiment. Corporate earnings are largely within expectation but maybe market is already priced into better corporate performance since it had little effect on our stock prices.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

hitting the panic button

The numbers aren't looking good. Prices went down again today at a convincing volume of over Php4B.I think the numbers are forming a pattern that may induce more dumping of Philippine Stocks.

Projections for our index last year were being thrown in as high as the 10k level and more conservatively at the 4k level within 2007. We're a far cry for there and it looks like the market wants to move even further.

I remember the saying "buy cheap, sell high." I wonder if this is such a time that stocks are "cheap"? When that panic button is hit, who will stand to benefit more? Those who run for shelter or those who stay and keep hunting for bargains?

Monday, May 5, 2008

why didn't we follow wall street?

The consensus seemed to be that Wall Street was dragging the world down by spreading fear, the Philippines included. But with Wall Street climbing up, what we expected for the Philippine Stock Exchange Index did not happen.

The PSEi didn't rally. Are the prospects for the Philippine Economy really low? While the trend of the market seems to be going down, are our fundamentals really weak? Or are the bargains just getting better?