Saturday, February 9, 2008

it never hurts to get advice (unless you ask the wrong people)

According to Wikipedia, Isaac Newton, the famous physicist, lost some of his money due to speculation in The South Sea Company stock in the 1720s. Isaac Newton lost over 20,000 pounds (£1.68 million in today's money) of his fortune. As a result of this crisis, he stated "I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people".

My friend who is a physics teachers believes that its possible to use the "turbulence theory" for forex trading. In response to that, I wrinkled my forehead and nodded as if I understood what he was saying.

I'm convinced that more pinoys should get into stocks. Specially the yuppies with disposable income or even students with spare cash, but never - ever without proper advice.

American Investors watch Warren Buffet, among others, and listen closely to what he says. Here in the Philippines, I don't know who would be his counterpart but I trust the opinion of Ron Nathan "The Bearbull" who writes a column for the inquirer. I also find a certain technical analyst named Miko S. Sayo of quite credible. For anyone already trading, looking to start out investing in Philippine Stocks, or would just like to be informed about those issues, I recommend reading their weekly publications.

Jules Verne, the famous writer, was a stock trader and broker at the Paris Stock Exchange (La Bourse de Paris). (wikipedia)

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